The Stanley Cup Finals.  It’s the ultimate goal for every hockey team,and an event that every hockey fan out there wants to be a part of.  As fans of the Winnipeg Jets it seems likethat dream might be years and years away from a possible reality, never mindactually getting tickets to the event. While I may not be able to get the Jets into the Finals, I do know of away to get you there.
No, you aren’t dreaming.  There is an actual way for you to get to theStanley Cup Finals, the 2014 Molson Canadian NHL Face-Off game, a free trip toa regular season game of your choice, or more. And it requires pretty limitedeffort on your part.
All thanks to Scotiabank.
Remember those fancy debit cards I told youall about a while ago?  Well, it turnsout they do a heck of a lot more than improve the appearance of your otherwisedull wallet.  They act as your entry intoa hockey lover’s dream contest.  All youhave to do is use it.
 Imagine that, a justifiable reason to actuallybuy cool stuff:  to win even coolerhockey stuff.
This is your chance to win a VIP hockeyexperience.  Every time you make apurchase with your ScotiaHockey NHL Debit Card, you are entered into theScotiabank Hockey Adventure of a Lifetime contest.  That means you could win transportation,accommodation, and tickets to the 2014 Stanley Cup Final, or the 2014 MolsonCanadian NHL Face-Off.
Better yet, you are entered into monthlydraws for even more prizes, including tickets to an NHL regular season game inthe city of your choice, an NHL GameCenter LIVE subscription, or a $50 giftcertificate to the shop.
Think that it’s too good to be true? So didAdam.
I don’t know about you, but I plan on usingmy Jets ScotiaHockey NHL Debit Card a little bit more often.  I want to go to the Stanley Cup Finals forgoodness sake! I want free things! I want to be that awesome friend with allthe cool hockey things!  If not just forthe amazing hockey experience, then to get out of this seemingly never endingWinnipeg winter as quickly as possible. (Reminder: there are lots ofCalifornia-based teams that are pretty good).
So think about it folks.  What would you do on a Hockey Adventure of aLifetime?  Let loose, be creative, becausewho knows? Scotiabank might help make it happen.  I already know mine.  The Jets left Winnipeg when I was five yearsold, so I grew up a Leaf fan.  I’d lovenothing more than to get to meet the likes of Felix Potvin, maybe take a fewshots on Curtis Joseph, and have an opportunity to sit down and talk to MatSundin within the depths of the ACC.  Ina perfect world I’d get to watch a Saturday night game against the Habs(preferably without a ridiculously long pre-game ceremony), and talk to someex-Leaf players who actually know what the playoffs are like.   
The sooner you act the more entries you canaccumulate, so get it together and get one of these cards! Now! Why are youstill reading this?!?!
For more information on the contests, checkout this link.