It’s been a few months since I firstopened my Student Banking Advantage account at Scotiabank and started using myScotiaHockey NHL Debit Card, and I must say I have been pleasantly surprised bythe experience. In the past I worked at a financial institution, so Iunderstand how I like things set up, how they work, and (like many others)often do not like changing things much when it comes to my finances. The peopleat Scotiabank though, have made the change quite enjoyable.
Their staff has been informative, helpful, available and willingto help me with any questions or requests I have had. Their mobile banking appis one of the best that I’ve seen, and the ScotiaHockey NHLDebit Card was as easy to set up as it is to use. Plus, with the includedoption of utilizing the Interac Flash for making small purchases has been amuch more time-efficient process. No more waiting to enter your PIN; it’sas simple as tapping the card and walking away.
…Not to mention how much easier it is to pay for things afterslowly drinking away your ‘lack-of-playoffs’tears.  One of the coolest partsof the card for me though, has to be some of the interactions I’vehad with other hockey fans when they see it. On a few occasions now I’vehad people ask me about the card, where I got it, and occasionally I haveengaged in quick conversations about what the Jets need to do to up their game.(Sorry to anyone caught in a checkout line behind me. I can’tresist an opportunity to talk hockey.)
In fact, it was through one of these interactions with anemployee at an electronics store that I learned a lot more about AlexBurmistrov’s “superstar” status in Russia. He showed me atranslated news report from his hometown Kazan (where he played last year) thathighlighted his connection to his current team, the city, and the hockey teamhe loved watching as he grew up. As terrifying as it was to see how happy he wasin the KHL, it was nice to see Burmi being treated well by his team. I neverwould have seen that video if not for using my Winnipeg Jets ScotiaHockey DebitCard.  Hockey fans in Winnipeg tend to besmart, knowledgeable individuals and having a tool in my wallet to helpinstantaneously make connections and initiate conversation has been a greatexperience thus far.
I make a lot of suggestions and recommendations on this site andgetting your hands on an NHL ScotiaHockey Debit Card is something you shouldseriously consider as a hockey fan. Not only will it look like a piece of artamong the other members of your wallet clan, but it states your position as apassionate fan of the Winnipeg Jets for all to see. It gives a fast, convenientpayment option wherever you go, and the plethora of accounts and bankingoptions at Scotiabank will give you plenty of opportunities to find somethingthat works perfectly for you.
Not to forget, every time you use the card you are entered to winsome pretty fantastic prizes such as monthly draws for NHL Store gift cards andGameCenter Live subscriptions, or major prizes like trips to the Molson NHLFaceoff event next season or another Hockey Adventure of a Lifetime.
Heck, someone with one these cards is on their way to the StanleyCup Finals thanks to Scotiabank. Iwon’t say who I’m pulling for again due to thepowerful curse I have attached to  methis year, but I have my fingers crossed that I win one of the future trips.One thing I know for sure though, wherever I go I know I’ll be able torepresent Winnipeg and the Jets thanks to Scotiabank and my Jets NHLScotiaHockey Debit Card. Now it’s time for you to get one for yourselfand join me.
To learn more about the ScotiaHockey NHL Debit Card and howyou could win the Hockey Adventure of a Lifetime Experience, visit:,,7286,00.html?cid=blog_JetsNation