Yes, got him to sign some stuff for me in the spring ! Very accommodating !!
— thesawch (@thesawch) November 9, 2017
What a great guy! Met Hawerchuk last season (he was here for the Limited Bud Cans that him and @TeemuSel8nne autographed), met him on the Mezzanine Level as he was leaving the Boxes. Stopped and asked if we could get a picture, he was very accomidating.
— Bart Omand (@ywgjetsfan) November 9, 2017
We’re both born April 4, and here’s a rare piece of memorabilia and a chance meeting in a suite!
— Derek (@derekethier2484) November 14, 2017
— Derek (@derekethier2484) November 14, 2017
Used to work at a local hotel bar. Someone said that Ducky and Shania were in the lobby. Didn’t care about Ms. Twain, but had to know if it was him. It sure was him and he was such a nice person. Poured him a beer and asked him to sign a Jets chair we had. Great guy!
— Stew S. (@stewsquared) November 9, 2017
I had him sign a special Portage&Main themed bottle of beer opposite side of Bobby Hull. Gave thfm each their own bottle ???
— Don Muir (@muirskijetguy) November 13, 2017
Dale golfed with my dad when he was BMO manager in Neepawa. Dale gave him some autographed merch for me. Dad was impressed with how mice and easy going Dale was.
— Mark Carnduff (@carnduffmc) November 9, 2017
A little faded but have one of these signed by @DaleHawerchuk10 Also have a stick from him but that signature has also faded away 🙁 I should have taken better care of these…..
— Bernardo (@Benny27M) November 10, 2017
Continuing to help the Jets
That time he sold the Jets on drafting Scheifele
— Buffingtian McMoose (@Buffs_Buffet) November 9, 2017