So NHL hockey is back and every nation site is rocking with tons of daily content, comments, arguments and the odd terrible MS paint picture or photoshop.
Every site, that is, except for the baby in the network: JetsNation.
I convinced Wanye to buy and develop the site as soon as they announced a team would be returning to Winnipeg because, hey! Opportunity! I figured it would be easy to track down tons of shiny new excited bloggers and that JetsNation would be bigger than the Beatles in no time.
Okay, so that didn’t quite work out as planned. Nothing is ever that easy I’ve come to realize, so for now JN sits more or less a nascent shell of a site, just waiting to blossom into yet another active community of armchair GMs and assorted fanatics arguing about who should and shouldn’t be dressing on the 4th line.
So it’s time for us to get serious about staffing the joint. We are looking for committed Jets fans/writers to add to the team here at the Nations. In particular we need someone to be the managing editor and primary voice – someone willing to set the tone for the site, establish priorities, edit other contributors, moderate discussion and just more or less be in charge of the place. OilersNation, FlamesNation, Canucks Army and LeafsNation all started from similarly humble beginnings and now the network boasts more than 2 million pageviews a month and recently sent members from those four sites to the last NHL entry draft.
For now, writing at JN will be a voluntary position while we drum up traffic and revenue to sustain it, but down the line we can promise bigger and better things for the the folks who help us get it on its feet.

So here’s what we’re looking for

– Jets fan, naturally. Know the team, love the team, but be willing to think and write about it critically.
– Some writing background, preferably in sports/hockey.
– At last a passing familiarity with advanced stats/analysis in hockey. You don’t have to be a stats nerd or anything, but some knowledge in this area (or a willingness to learn) is required.
– A thick skin (be prepared for criticism in the comments!).
– Some familiarity with blog platforms/html as well as social media like twitter.
– Enough time/availability to write several articles per week and check on the site multiple times daily.
– A sense of humor.
If this sounds like you or someone you know, please send me an email at and we’ll talk.