The headline on the ESPN may link Jets forward Mark Scheifele with New England Patriots quarterback and future Hall of Famer Tom Brady, but in reality ESPN’s feature article asks Mark about how he has spent his summers from childhood into his sixth season as a pro and how his dietary and training methods have evolved.
In fact Brady gets really only a mention as being an inspiration for Scheifele as a player he wants to emulate in terms of fitness and longevity. Brady’s former personal chef also gets a cameo in the year by year mini-diary as someone who helped Mark gain insight into what kind of diet Brady had.
There is also of course lots of credit to former NHL’er Gary Roberts who may be as famous now for being a bit of a fitness and training guru for scores of current day NHL’ers as he was for being a 21 year pro with teams like the Calgary Flames, Pittsburgh Penguins and Toronto Maple Leafs.
“I used to be very dogmatic. There has to be some trial and error to everything. You can’t just say, ‘This is my diet now. Somebody told me to go keto, so I’m going to go full-blown keto.’ What if it doesn’t work for you? What if your energy is super low? What are you going to do — stick to it because you were told to?
The entire read is a great, first-hand account from Scheifele himself on how his methods have evolved and how he continues to look for new methods to stay on top of the game.

Let’s Get Laine A New Look

Let’s be honest, Patrik Laine hasn’t looked quite right without his GOAT beard. We’re not the only ones to think this as TSN’s BarDown site asked some of the Jets to take a marker to the face – a cardboard cutout face mind you, not the actual mug of Patrik – and draw up a new look for the Finnish sniper.
While the looks may have been questionable at best (we wouldn’t mind a season of “Hipster Laine” though) what isn’t is Laine’s continuing bromance with “His Little Buddy Nik”

Chevy Talks

At the start of the week, GM Kevin Cheveldayoff joined the Sportsnet Hockeycentral @ Noon show to talk all things Jets with Jeff Marek and Gord Stellick. Among the topics he covered, he talked about the new deal for Josh Morrissey, the development of Logan Stanley, the expectations placed upon the team going into the season, the evolution of Blake Wheeler and Mark Scheifele as players and team leaders, and a possible contract for Patrik Laine which branched into how he handles contracts in a salary cap NHL:
Marek: At what point – and maybe the answer is ‘already’ – do you start to look at what happens with Patrik Laine?
Cheveldayoff: You start thinking about that the moment you make the selection. Because in this world, this cap world, it’s a.. you know as a general manager you have to kinda keep your eye on the now and also keep one eye on the future. So you kinda have to have a panoramic, ya know type of view of what’s going on.